
Procrastination is my middle name!

I just love procrastinating by looking at clothing sites and wishing I could buy everything! It just sucks cause there's so much cute stuff I want, but I'm trying to be good and save for someday moving out/my 21st bday Vegas extravaganza. I'm not sure how much it's gonna cost me yet, but I want to go to Las Vegas for my 21st birthday (I know, so original right?). I want to stay at the Venetian for a couple nights, see the Phantom show, and eat at a fancy restaurant. Not sure who would go with me besides Maria, my mom and maybe my sister, but that's kinda a rough plan of what I want to do.

Anyway, back to the procrastination part. I've got a wonderful weekend and coming week filled with an astronomy paper and presentation, work, my final art project, reading for english and econ, my oral exam in spanish, and then of course finals for all my classes the following week.

Oh yeah, I wanted to share the details of my exciting final art project! Basically, we get design our own cd covers to a playlist of 5 songs of our choice. The medium is watercolor and we have to do 4 small paintings(1 for the front, 1 for the back, and 2 for the inside). Mine's kinda a tribute to the late 50's/early 60's and The Beatles. My playlist is "She Does" by Locksley, "I Feel Fine" by The Beatles, "If it were up to me" by Rooney, "Love Me Do" by The Beatles and "All My Loving" the version from the movie Across the Universe. I've already started on my vintage chevy coupe and then I'm going to do a guitar, a record, and then I'm still not sure on the last one. But overall I'm really excited about!

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